Aged Meats

This week, we are celebrating a very special birthday. No, not America’s. But this honoree is nearly as beloved around these parts, The Old Wisconsin sausage company is turning 75.
The Sheboygan-based business has been producing cased meats since the Truman administration. Since then, their products have satisfied travelers on long drives, silenced whining children waiting for dinner, and rescued bar patrons who need something to do with their non-beer-drinking hand.
Can foods be heroes? We’re going to say yes. Just thinking about their decades of service to the people of Wisconsin is enough to make you put your hand over your heart and pledge your unwavering loyalty to meat sticks.
If you find yourself with the urge to let freedom ring with a cherry bomb this weekend — particularly at odd hours when your neighbors are sleeping — maybe reach for a meat snack instead. The sound a beef stick makes isn’t as loud, but it’s just as satisfying.