Oh, geez, snakes!
Full disclosure: the one thing we here at DW have in common with Indiana Jones is a strong disdain for snakes.

Let’s get right to the point: Some fishermen found a freakin’ python in Kenosha!
It’s believed the snake was kept as a pet and either escaped or was released before being captured.
There are certain trade-offs that come with living in the Midwest. While we can’t parade around in flip-flops and swim trunks during January like our friends in more hospitable climates, we also don’t have to contend with things such as hurricanes, earthquakes, mudslides, wildfires, killer bees, or big ol’ snakes that can kill us. Simply put, pythons are not part of the deal here in Wisconsin.
Full disclosure: the one thing we here at DW have in common with Indiana Jones is a strong disdain for snakes.
Yes, there are some who think snakes are just swell and are even willing to open their homes to them.
With all due respect, they’re crazy. Pythons are for exotic places far away from here. If they make such wonderful pets, there shouldn’t be so many stories about people releasing them into the Everglades. Or Kenosha.
So, if you’re considering getting a python as a pet and bringing it home to Wisconsin, our advice is to sleep on it. Then, sleep on it again. And then continue sleeping on it until you realize getting a python is a terrible idea. If, for no other reason, it might get loose someday and suffocate an innocent newsletter editor.