Party Deck Needs Partiers
It does raise new and troubling questions regarding the widely-held belief that Wisconsinites are born with the innate ability to sniff out a good time.

A surprising story has been unfolding at the local ballpark. Apparently, there’s a party deck inside American Family Field, and Milwaukee Brewers fans aren’t using it.
The space, called Miller Lite Landing, was built in 2021 after some of the left field bleachers were removed. Initially, fans needed a special ticket package to access the area, but the team eased up on that highfalutin requirement, and they’re now letting garden variety ticket buyers in there.
While it is on the team to let fans know about this space, it does raise new and troubling questions regarding the widely-held belief that Wisconsinites are born with the innate ability to sniff out a good time.
We’ll have to wait for the results of a scientific field study to find out if not instinctively knowing about this gathering place is a cause for concern. Until then, we now know what the Miller Lite Landing is and where it’s located. And that it sounds like a great way to escape the confines of your assigned seat and mingle with friends without some nerd with a scorecard or ballpark functionary telling you to sit down.
There is a special deal for seats right in front of the Miller Lite Landing available now. You can get four tickets for $45 and they include a $15 credit for drinks at the Landing’s bar. You can learn more about availability and blackout dates at the Brewers website.