Wisconsin, America’s Ireland
With all due respect to The Pogues, Shamrock Shakes, novelty foam top hats, party beads, and St. Patrick himself; that’s enough for now.

“Wisconsinites drink on another level. I was in Ireland and I had this feeling that the people of Wisconsin actually were the people who settled Ireland.” – Lewis Black
St. Patrick’s Day season has finally drawn to a close. What started with the Shamrock Shuffle two weeks ago, continued with the parade last Saturday and in the Town of Erin, Wisconsin; and concluded with the big day yesterday. If you partook in all the festivities, chances are you’re too tired to even read this sentence end to end without needing a nap, because we sure do.
With all due respect to The Pogues, Shamrock Shakes, novelty foam top hats, party beads, and St. Patrick himself; that’s enough for now. If anybody should appreciate a quick, efficient exit from the festivities, it’s the Irish. Know that it’s nothing personal, Irish culture, we just need to go.
It’s like when you go on a long trip with a friend. You may have had a wonderful time together and made lots of memories, but you need some time apart after being up in each other’s business for so long. It’s about maintaining the long-term health of your relationship.
Rest assured, we’ll be ready for O’This and McThat again very soon. Just give us a few days to dance using our arms, drink regular beer-colored beer and stop impersonating Lucky the Leprechaun when we talk. Think of it as a headache-free Irish vacation.